Cape Town Uncovered
When you stay at Pineapple House Boutique Hotel in Sea Point, Cape Town, it is a given that your experience will be a memorable and meaningful one. We believe strongly in providing our guests with an engaging experience in our beautiful Cape Town. ‘Cape Town Uncovered’ provides you, our guest, with a menu of social impact experiences, each with their own unique and creative story. Leave it to us to curate a collection of experiences for you or select your interests and we will do the rest. Taking 2-3 hours out of your day whilst enjoying our beautiful city to engage in community projects, meet fascinating social entrepreneurs and to enjoy culturally rich experiences that you may otherwise never have known about. Pineapple House is proud to present its ‘Cape Town Uncovered’ series. Pineapples are considered an expression of “welcome” and symbolize assets we are invested in at our hotel – friendship, hospitality, kindness and warmth. To be invested in organization’s who are working so hard every day to initiate positive change in our communities and nation, is paramount. These are the 4 incredible non-profit organisations that we are very proud to be working with.
Arts + Crafts
- Kenyan basket weaving demonstration and lesson with Nomathemba – a very personal interaction with a wonderful woman from our Khayletisha township who was taught by her grandmother to weave
- A morning at the Iziko Museum celebrating African heritage through art and culture
- Lumkile’s Book Joint – the concept of this ‘book joint’ in the heart of Gugulethu Township is the establishment of an epicentre of the culture of reading in our black neighbourhoods. Lumkile and his team are incredible storytellers and will inspire you to see books and reading in a whole new light
- An evening with Christo Brand author of “Doing Life with Mandela. My Prisoner, My Friend” – a very personal and profound conversation with Christo Brand sharing some untold stories about the legend that was Nelson Mandela.
Childhood + Youth Development
- An afternoon soccer training with the teams at Project Playground in Langa Township – a safe and happy space for after school activities where soccer / football is a hugely successful program offered at Project Playground. Spend an afternoon with their teams training and enjoying a friendly game full of fun.
- An afternoon or evening show at The Zip Zap Circus – bridging socio-economic gaps and inspiring and empowering young people to build a new culture of peaceful co-existence in South Africa, inspired by the late Nelson Mandela. Welcome to a uniquely South African circus family. A social and professional circus that is filled with hope, promise, daring dreams, and extraordinary talent.
Marine + Environmental Conservation
- A morning beach clean-up – walking down to a local beach with one of our Pineapple House staff to help keep our beautiful beaches clean. A fun and hugely beneficial activity to start your day
- A morning mountain clean-up – a guided walk on one of our beautiful mountain trails with a mission to take in the beauty (and clean up any trash along the way)
- Intaka Island, ‘The Natural Heart of the City’ – pond dipping, water purification or basics about birds. Intaka Island in the heart of Century City, Cape Town represents a uniquely successful union of conservation and property development. Intaka has specific offerings for school kids based on Grades as well as family outings with are educational and fun.